- Write a 20-page paper on gendered attitudes regarding cell-phone use among college-age young adults in Provo
- Write a 5-page annotated bibliography of current linguistic research about cell phones
- Write a 6-page paper on S-curve distribution of thou vs. ye in Early Modern English
- Take a written final on Hans Christian Andersen
- Take a written final on sociolinguistics
- Take a written analytical final of the tools and motifs of selected French and Italian film clips
- Take a final about the syntax, phonology, pragmatics, prose, rhetorical structures, and major authors and genres of Early Modern English
- Pass all said finals so I can graduate
- Meet my sister's boyfriend
- Find a way to get 9 tickets to graduation (when I am only certain of getting 3)
- Pay my credit card bill
- Pay my cell phone bill
- Rent a U-Haul to get all my stuff home to San Diego
- Hang out with my grandma at least 2 more times before I move away
- Go to lunch with my two sisters
- Be prepared on a Relief Society lesson for Sunday in case my teacher bails on me
- Get addresses of all the people who I want to tell when I get my mission call
- Set appointments for all the doctors and dentists I need for my mission papers
- Call Kelly Services to set up a job for the four months until I hope to leave on my mission
- Take a picture of myself, with my hair done and in missionary attire, for said papers (it's the doing my hair part that will be my downfall)
- Get my illegally downloaded copies of Season 3 of the Office from my friend so that my addictions can be sated over the summer
- Pack up all the stuff I've accumulated through the last 4 years and figure out how to transport it back to California
I can do it, right?
I have faith in you.
See, you don't even have time for a boyfriend. So I wouldn't even worry about it if I were you. :)
It's totally true. I would make some porr boy a terrible girlfriend right now--when I am dating someone, I want to be able to actually put some energy into it, which I definitely can't do :)
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